Three Ways We Protect Land
The Door County Land Trust works to identify and preserve the “best of the best” of Door County lands and has preserved more than 8,800 acres through the following means:
Nature Preserves and Natural Areas:
Lands Owned by the Door County Land Trust
The Land Trust works with landowners to purchase properties that possess exceptional scenic beauty or ecological significance. We match donations from private individuals with dollars from Wisconsin’s Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Fund, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other organizations to fund land purchases. We also accept outright donations of land and partial land donations, lands sold below appraised value, if the properties meet our land protection criteria. Lands owned and managed by the Door County Land Trust are open to the public for many low-impact recreational and educational opportunities. Learn about our nature preserves.
Conservation Easement Agreements:
Lands Owned by Private Landowners
In addition to owning and managing land, the Door County Land Trust relies on another important tool to protect places of significant ecological or scenic value—conservation easement agreements. Conservation easements are legal agreements between a property owner and the Land Trust that permanently restrict the type and amount of future development that can take place on a property. Through these permanent restrictions, the land’s scenic and conservation values are protected. The Door County Land Trust is responsible for upholding the terms of conservation easement agreements in perpetuity. Lands protected through conservation agreements remain in private ownership and are not open to the public. Occasionally, conservation easement landowners allow the Door County Land Trust to feature their protected property on guided hikes. Learn more about conservation easements.
Land Transfers:
Lands Owned by Conservation Partner Organizations
The Door County Land Trust often works in partnership with municipalities, government agencies and other conservation organizations. Properties such as Grand View Scenic Overlook and Park and Schwartz Lake Preserve at Shivering Sands were purchased and protected by the Door County Land Trust and subsequently transferred to other entities for long-term care and management. Guided hikes are offered occasionally at places owned and managed by conservation partners. Learn more about transferred lands.
Selecting Lands for Conservation Priority
With 308,480 total acres of land in Door County and natural features as diverse as bluffs, forests, farmland, cedar swamps, streams, and lakeshore, how does the Land Trust decide which properties are most deserving of protection? This question goes to the very center of the Land Trust’s mission to protect Door County’s exceptional lands and waters forever.
The first step of the Land Trust’s process for identifying exceptional lands involves collaboration with a number of conservation partners to identify gaps in the conservation work being done, creating corridors of protected lands, supporting each other’s conservation objectives, and the health and well-being of the Door County community.
The Land Trust’s work focuses on four conservation targets:
1) Door County’s best remaining native forest communities and the host of rare and threatened species they support;
2) the Niagara escarpment and its unique microhabitats;
3) lands impacting the water quality and natural fisheries of Lake Michigan and Green Bay; and
4) migratory and nesting bird habitats.
Conservation in these areas directly supports the Land Trust’s strategic plan. Read the full story here.
The Latest Land Protection News

Barnard Family Preserves Five Generations of Legacy with Door County Land Trust Conservation Easements

New Conservation Easement in Egg Harbor Protects Forest and More

“Thanks-Giving: Celebrating a Record-Breaking Year of Land Protection”

Hiking during hunting season:
how to stay safe

Land Trust Adds New Property to Kellner Fen Natural Area

Door County Land Trust Aims to Purchase Camp Cuesta from the Girl Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes

Camp Cuesta: Protecting Land, Preserving Tradition
Claybanks Creek:
New Conservation Easement in Southern Door
While “looking for a campground” as a young family, Ann and John Bladholm discovered a 40-acre woodland nestled along Claybanks Creek in Southern Door County.
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