The Big Plant: Native Tree and Plant Give-Away 2023

Native Plant and Tree Give-Away Aims

to Improve Wildlife Habitat Throughout Door County

Upcoming tree and plant giveaway events:

2023 Dates to be announced

*** How to Plant Trees and Perennials:
How to plant

The native tree and plant give-away is a part of The Big Plant coordinated by the Climate Change Coalition of Door County. It is typically held each year around Earth Day on April 22 and several weekends following. Dates for 2023 events are not yet determined.

Through organizations partnering on The Big Plant, more than 15,000 trees were planted in 2022.  Door County Land Trust chose to include pollinator-friendly perennial plants in their give-away so those with small properties or apartments would also be able to participate.

“Whether you have a planter on a porch, a small backyard or several acres, you can plant something that helps native insects, birds and wildlife,” says Door County Land Trust director of charitable giving Cinnamon Rossman. “As these trees grow and flowers bloom, they’ll be a reminder of the things we can do to preserve and improve our environment.”

Tree and plant selections for 2023 will be announced in spring 2023. The 2022 selection of trees included, Northern White Cedar, Balsam Fir, Red Pine, White Pine, and White Spruce. The selection of perennial plants included Dogtooth Daisy (Helenium autumnale), Prairie Blazing Star (Liatris pycnostachya), Common ironweed (Vernonia fasciculata), and Blue/Woodland Phlox (Phlox divaricata). Each of these plants and trees is hardy in Door County and is beneficial to insects, birds and wildlife. 

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Helenium Autumnale


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