Land Trust Adds Newly Protected Property Within Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp 

The value of property is often summed up in the words “location, location, location”.  That saying holds true for the ecological value of the location of Door County Land Trust’s recent land purchase within Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Natural Area. The land is prized for its proximity to a migratory bird route and its coastal wetlands. “Gibraltar-Ephraim…

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High Quality Forest Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp

  High Quality Forest Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp   Ephraim, WI – Door County Land Trust is happy to announce the protection of ecologically rich forest and wetland habitat within the Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp State Natural Area. The addition of this protected property is an exciting step toward preserving the coastal wetlands and natural filtration abilities…

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A Win for Water Quality: Wetlands Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp

A Win for Water Quality: Wetlands Protected at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp   Ephraim, WI – Door County Land Trust is thrilled to announce the protection of two additional forested properties within the Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp State Natural Area. With these additions totaling 75 acres, Door County Land Trust now protects 383 acres within the swamp, which is…

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Anonymous Donor Inspires Giving for Land Protection at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp

Anonymous Donor Inspires Giving for Land Protection at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Ephraim, WI – An anonymous couple is inspiring others to give to the Door County Land Trust’s ongoing land protection efforts at Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp Natural Area. The couple have a love of the Gibraltar-Ephraim Swamp and have been long-time supporters of the efforts to protect…

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